Featured Instrumentation Articles
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Endress+Hauser Instrumentation Meet Food & Beverage Demands for Stringent Measurement
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- How to Know Why and When do your Flowmeters need Calibration?
Endress+Hauser Instrumentation Meet Food & Beverage Demands for Stringent Measurement
These two articles are a great resource to learn more.
Inline quality control in your food production

By supplementing or replacing laboratory measurement with inline measurement instrumentation, production check steps can be greatly improved, thus increasing throughput and reducing hold times as well as the risk of off-spec product. Inline quality control tracks the process every second and facilitates continuous quality improvements.
Inline measurements can be used for:
pH measurement - More than 30% of all quality-relevant process measurements are related to pH. While this parameter is often used to monitor taste and consistency, the primary application is to ensure the correct pH levels in acidified foods for safety purposes.
Density and concentration measurement - To monitor and control the consistent quality of a product, density must be measured accurately. To determine the concentration, the density values are converted to different units such as Brix, Baume, API, Plato or alcohol.
Color and turbidity measurement - Color and turbidity measurement are essential for quality and taste in edible oil, beverages, beer, wine and molasses. They are use in a wide variety of applications such as effluent monitoring, removing turbid substances in raw oil, product loss detection in dairies or simple phase separation.
Conductivity measurement - Conductivity measurement can provide early detection of contamination from improperly flushed lines or leaking valves. This facilitates early identification of the source of the issue and prevents contaminated products.
Chemical composition measurement:
Raman spectroscopy - Inline Raman spectroscopy measurements provide in-depth chemical composition knowledge about your process without the need to collect a sample for laboratory analysis. Raman spectroscopy can monitor multiple aspects of product quality with a single probe, around the clock, thus enabling in-process corrections and faster product release.
Learn more and watch E+H videos here.
Inline quality control in your food production
How to Improve Food Production Efficiency

Raw materials, water and cleaning agents are important resources in food production. These areas offer great potential to increase the performance of your processes. Innovative measurement technology and performance, data availability and resource conservation are essential steps on the way to food production efficiency.
Precise measurement of raw materials - Whether your ingredients are delivered in liquid or solid form, via ship or truck, loading, unloading and storage requires accurate information regarding the quantities.
Monitoring of production processes - Accidental losses can occur when operators get distracted. Overfilling or unintended product draining can also be a reason.
Optimization in cleaning processes - Monitor and control your cleaning process in real-time with innovative sensor technology. Inline measuring sensors determine, for example, when each phase of the CIP cycle ends and when the next should begin.
Opportunities for digitalization - Over the past few years, the digital transition within industries has resulted in a wide range of opportunities related to instruments, platforms or processes. How can a complex industry like food and beverage adapt to these challenges or benefit from these opportunities?
Instrument calibration - Regular calibration is essential to keep your field instrumentation reliable and to ensure production process efficiency. Even slight measurement deviations or errors can cause losses or impact performance.
Reduce contaminant loads in wastewater - Wastewater in the food and beverage industry contains contaminant loads, such as fats, sugar and solids, for which the manufacturer has to pay additional wastewater treatment fees.